Secondary : Work Experience

The information about the Work Experience project will be published in due course.

PROJECT 2021-2022

The school is organizing for the 15th consecutive year an optional work experience project during the last week of the school year, i.e from Monday 27th of June to Friday 1 July 2022. It is meant for a group of averagely 100 pupils yearly, with priority being given to 5th year pupils.  and, Due to events related to COVID, the school has decided to open enrolment to 6th years pupils as well.

Pupils participating in the Merite Jeunesse programme who would like to be involved in both projects, can join the work experience project under conditions to be defined individually.

The work experience project aims mainly at offering pupils an experience in an adult and working environment where they will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and their personal and social skills. It is not intended as training for a particular career, but it can be used as a part of a pupil’s preparation for his or her future area of interest.

Pupils are invited to look for a work place themselves and are backed up in all matters concerning this work experience scheme by their appointed personal tutor teacher in the school. Pupils will work and observe the structure of their place of employment and the working conditions of various types of employees. At the end of the work placement, they are asked to write a report, which will be part of the evaluation of the work experience scheme and be useful for the follow up work done in the career guidance. At the end of the project, all participating students who have successfully fulfilled the conditions of the program receive a certificate attesting their work experience.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, due to insurance cover, the work experience must take place in Luxemburg.

The pupils and their parents commit not to receive any remuneration for the work experience since it takes place during the school year and is part of their education. In all work places approved by the school management, the school insurance covers the pupils for the whole period of the work experience.

The organization of this project involves cooperation between the career advisors, the principal class teachers, the educational advisers and volunteering Tutor teachers under the leadership of the deputy director, Mr. ALBERICI.

The positive experience of previous years encourages us to continue in this direction and we hope that there will be many 5th and 6th year pupils who will seize the opportunity of the work experience project this year.

If you are interested in the project, please fill in the attached application form and return it to Mrs. Nasseira LAINSEUR (Room B-014), as soon as possible, and no later than Friday 9th January 2022, 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, please contact in the first place the career adviser or send an email to Mrs. LAINSEUR,